West AlabamaWorks is a network of interconnected providers of workforce services, including all of the governmental, educational, and private sector components that train, prepare, and match job seekers with employers. We serve 9 counties in West Alabama, including Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Marengo, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa.
Our story and mission
West AlabamaWorks
West AlabamaWorks is a 501(c)3 organization created through a partnership between The Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama and the Region 3 Workforce Development Council. Our purpose is to facilitate and implement a comprehensive, coordinated, seamless workforce development system for our 9-county region that supports economic and workforce training activities. Our mission is to promote economic prosperity throughout our region with well-managed, coordinated, integrated, and quality support services for employers, job seekers, students, and educators at all levels.
West AlabamaWorks partners with the Chamber to manage the day-to-day operations and personnel needed to grow the regional workforce offerings. This collaboration establishes a central connecting point for workforce needs in the region. A key focus is to minimize duplication of services and maximize the potential of each provider by communicating essential workforce needs in the entire nine-county area through both urban and rural outreach programs. We believe that we will generate the most positive change in the lives of the citizens of West Alabama by creating easy-to-follow pathways from the education system into the workforce.

In the fall of 2015, the Alabama Workforce Council undertook a statewide effort to understand the structure, function, organization and perceptions of the Alabama workforce system. The results showed that Alabama is endowed with plentiful state, educational, business support and other service organizations that provide training, placement and informational resources that could better serve business, industry and the public if they were organized in an effective network and unified under a common vision, mission and brand.
This new and unified system resulted from hundreds of hours of input from workforce and educational professionals, industry leadership, families and students. Thousands of Alabamians participated in-person and online in developing the charter for AlabamaWorks.
AlabamaWorks stands for opportunity, innovation, accountability and inclusion with the vision of a better future for Alabama in which communities, business, and industry are supported in a collaborative process to build prosperity through the opportunity of meaningful work and a growing economy. Our mission is to recruit, train, and empower a highly skilled workforce driven by business and industry needs and to be the competitive advantage for Alabama’s economic growth. Whether you’re an employer, a job seeker or a student, AlabamaWorks is the springboard for your success and promises to provide profitability and economic growth by creating opportunities for success and an improved quality of life for Alabamians.