Worlds of Work creates awareness about exciting career options among students and educators while addressing workforce needs in the region. Existing employers in the region continue to have unfilled job openings due to a shortage of skilled workers. WOW helps companies find potential workers and students find paths to success.
Flipbook 2020
WOW Promotional Video 2021
WOW 2.0
WOW 2.0 is an event targeting high school seniors. Seniors from the nine-county West Alabama Region will be able to speak with post-secondary schools, as well as meet with industry-professionals in a job fair setting.
This event will allow connections between industry and job seekers, with the goal of filling thousands of high growth, high demand jobs available in West Alabama. This is an excellent opportunity for a senior planning to enter the workforce full-time following graduation, work part-time while attending college or enroll in an apprenticeship program with a West Alabama company.
Companies and Educator Perspective
Mini WOW
Tuscaloosa Career and Technology Academy hosted four of Tuscaloosa City elementary school students this Spring. We believe that it’s never too early to begin thinking about what career paths might best suit our students. Each school had the opportunity to visit TCTA’s state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratories. During their visit, they engaged with students who are doing live work and simulated workplace training.

Learn About Mini WOW