Third Annual Talent Conference 2021
November 17, 2021
The Third Annual, Talent Conference "Best Practices for Employee Retention During a Workforce Crisis" was held November 17, 2021 at the Tuscaloosa Career and Technology Academy.
This was an event put on by the Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama and West AlabamaWorks! This years Talent Conference focused on What can organizations do to ensure they are attracting, retaining, and motivating the employees they need to not only survive – but to thrive during recovery. While also gaining tips on retaining their workforce. The discussion was led by a panel of five: Rolf Wrona, Keith Phillips, Russell Dubose, Ashley Gill, and Brandy Snipes, who all discussed proven best practices for employee recruitment and retention within their specific organizations.
The event was perfect for managers, supervisors, workforce development leaders, and human resource professionals.
Huge thank you to this years wonderful gold sponsors: McAbee Construction Inc., Nucor Steel, Tuscaloosa City schools, and Whitesky Communications LLC, and silver sponsors: BF Goodrich, Premier Service Company, and Two Men and A Truck, this event would not have been possible without each of them.