Applications for 'TCSS U' now being accepted
August 17, 2022
The Tuscaloosa County School System is pleased to announce that the application period is now open for TCSS U 2022-2023.
This will be their third year to offer TCSS U, a program designed to engage members of our community who are passionate about education, seek a deeper understanding of issues facing our schools, and want to become informed advocates for education and students in our community. The deadline to apply is Friday, September 9, 2022, at 4 pm.
TCSS U is geared toward a wide variety of citizens, from all areas of Tuscaloosa County, who care about education in our community. This includes, but is not limited to, parents/guardians, grandparents, educators, business professionals, community and civic leaders, members of non-profit organizations, and retired educators.
TCSS U is a highly informative program. In fact, TCSS was invited to give a presentation about TCSS U to school leaders from across the country, at the 2022 National School Public Relations Association Seminar in Chicago.
For more information about the program, as well as a downloadable information sheet and application, click here.