Career Online High School Graduate, Shakeitta Richardson soon to graduate Shelton State
by Khadijah Torbert
September 8, 2022
You may remember Shakeitta Richardson, we introduced you to her back in June of 2020 for beginning her journey to receive her high school diploma through, Smart Horizon Education Online Program. Shakeitta said her favorite part of the program is that she had an academic coach who pushed her and encouraged her every step of the way. She officially completed all requirements for the program that same year and graduated and received her high school diploma October 24, 2020 as well as a career certificate in Office Management.
"The material was easy to understand and the teaching was clear," said Shakeitta. "I truly had a support system and felt very supported by the West AlabamaWorks! team, and knew you all wanted me to succeed," said Shakeitta.
Career pathway discussions led to an arrangement session with a career coach at Shelton State. Since receiving her high school diploma, Shakeitta began her Associate's degree in Applied Science from Shelton State Community College in 2021. She has acquired several accolades and achievements while at Shelton State ranging from being on the 'Presidents List' four times and receiving the 2022 ' I.W. Mitchell Technical Outstanding Student Award'. She has also earned several certifications all with distinction: Business Office Management certification, a short-term certificate in information processing, and an Office Application Specialist certification. She has opted to receive all certifications at her commencement ceremony.
Her anticipated graduation date from Shelton State is December 2022.

"West Al Works has impacted my future in ways I'd never imagine. Without getting that text from them the day I did, I'd still be uneducated, lost, and feeling hopeless. I would still feel like a failure," said Shakeitta. "West Al Works gave me something that I couldn't and didn't get from my own family. They helped me get into the online high school program where I had an academic coach who pushed and motivated me to never give up and to keep going. With that push, motivation, and support that was given to me, I was able to obtain my online high school diploma and my office management certificate at the same time," said Shakietta.
"I can say that I've had opportunities and gained experience that I never had before. I know that without the help of those at West Al Works, I wouldn't be where I am, and as far as I am today. I am very appreciative and thankful for all of the support, motivation, and help from those at West Al Works. If y'all had never believed in me, I would not have believed in myself, and I wouldn't be as successful as I am today. Thank you!"
"We're so proud of Shakietta Richardson's continued success," said Donny Jones, COO Chamber of Commerce of West Alabama and Executive Director of West AlabamaWorks! "She started the online high school program in June of 2020 and completed it by November 2020 and then began college March of 2021, and will be graduating December of 2022. That's a testament to her dedication and persistence to become successful and a viable ," said Jones.